The Talent
March 13, 2012 6:37 PM
The Careerist: Harvard Law Isn't What It Used to Be
Posted by Vivia Chen
This is not as exciting as guessing who'll be George Clooney's next main squeeze, but for members of the academy (the legal academy, that is), it is much anticipated.
In case your BlackBerry has been dead, U.S. News & World Report came out with its law school rankings. Without further ado, here are the top 20 law schools for 2013 (I had no idea that it's a year ahead) from the report:
1. Yale (It's been first since 1990.)
2. Stanford
3. Harvard
4. Columbia
5. Chicago
6. NYU
7. Berkeley
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Actually, Harvard is what it used to be. If you go back a few years in the rankings you will find that Stanford was number two and Harvard was number three. The two schools have shifted back and forth between those two spots over the last fifteen years in roughly equal measure. No research assistants?
Comment By Pushkin - March 14, 2012 at 8:38 PM